Otolaryngologist, Head and Neck Specialist


M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S., D.M. (OR.L.)
George Roberts - M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S., D.M. (OR.L.)

Dr. George Roberts is an Ear, Nose, Throat and Head and Neck Surgeon. He has trained and worked throughout the Caribbean, US, and UK and has earned many honors, including a special citation from the Caribbean Association of Otolaryngologists for his contribution to ENT education and practice in the Caribbean region. He has a Doctorate in Otolaryngology from the University of the West Indies, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. Since his arrival in 1989 as the first resident ENT surgeon in Antigua and the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States, he has provided exceptional medical and surgical care throughout the Leeward Islands. His areas of specialty include hearing loss, thyroid disease and the care of tumours of the head and neck.


Rovier Surgical suites is a boutique medical facility that provides quality healthcare in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. Our team of qualified physicians and nurses, ensure that you get the best care and have a smooth and restful recovery.

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